Saturday, 18 May 2013

Shower With Me!

I've never been one to put too much effort into my shower routine, probably because i've never actually thought about it...but recently i've done a complete turn around and have started to take notice of what i'm using when i'm in the shower.

So here goes....

I start off by standing under the water for way too long and then move onto to taking care of my hair. I only shampoo my hair twice a week, I tend to use shampoos that are really harsh on my hair and strip everything out of it leaving my roots dry, that way I can just let the natural oils work their magic on my hair. The two shampoos that i use are Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes and Lush's BIG shampoo. The Bleach Blondes is an incredibly dark purple shampoo that removes any brassy tones from bleached hair, but fair warning, if you go overboard with this stuff you might unwillingly end up with a purple tinge throughout your hair...not pretty. BIG is the strangest shampoo i've ever used. It has huge chunks of sea salt throughout it which feel so wrong as they fall from your head but somehow so right as they leave your hair smelling amazing and perfectly clean. For conditioner I am using this new Garnier one for dry hair which so far has been working a treat. I apply this only to the ends of my hair and I leave it on as I continue to shower.

 Once my conditioner is in I move onto my face! I've been using the Neutrogena naturals range for a few months now and I'm loving it. I start with the fresh cleansing makeup remover to remove any makeup on my face, this stuff is truly amazing as it takes off every scrap of makeup from your face and it doesn't sting your eyes. I then go onto the purifying pore scrub to further deep clean my skin, its a really gentle scrub that leaves my face feeling fresh!

Finally I move onto my body. I use whatever shower gel I have around me and the Loverdose by Diesel is the current one in the rotation. It smells amazing and lingers on the skin which makes me so excited its not even funny.

I then go on to rinse everything off me! Pretty simple really.

When i'm out of the shower I lather up in this Palmer's Moisturizing Body Oil, which smells terrible but is so satisfying to apply!

So there you have it!  Let me know your shower routines in the comments, i'm always wanting to learn about new products!

Hope you enjoyed 
Elizabeth xx

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