Friday, 18 July 2014

The Body Shops Camomile Cleansing Butter Vs. The Cleansing Oil

This post is a showdown between The Body Shops Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter Versus its more oily opponent The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil. Both of which are really similar products and I mean really similar. So similar in fact that the only difference is their consistencies!

 The Body Shops Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter

The butter is slightly harder to work with then the oil and is the main reason that I prefer the oil over the butter. With the butter you have to scoop out the amount that you need from the tin, something that I don't really like doing as I tend to make a bit of a mess. It also takes a little more effort to work into the skin mainly because you have to massage it from the butter form into an oil. Another thing is that you cannot have wet hands or moisture on your face when using the butter because it wont work. It just doesn't melt down when there is any liquid interference. Overall it really does remove your makeup well extremely well actually and is a product that I would definitely recommend.

The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil

The oil version comes in a pump bottle which is super convenient to use, I tend to pump out two or three pumps and that removes my entire face of makeup even my mascara. Which is something that I like about the product, I know exactly how much I need to do my whole face and the pump makes it easy to tell. With the butter you kind of just have to dig around hoping that you have enough. The oil also isn't effected by any other moisture on your face because it is already in that oil form unlike the butter which just wont work at all.

Comparing the two is like comparing the same product because it pretty much is. The butter turns into the oil when massaged into the skin so they pretty much are the same thing. However convenience wise I'd choose the oil form because it is easier to control and I think you get more value for money!

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