This post comes at one of the busiest times in my life, but also one of the most exciting. I've really struggled pretty much my whole teenage life with trying to figure out what it is that I want to do with my future. For a 14 year old that's kind of terrifying and it's one of the reasons I didn't do so well in school, I had absolutely no focus whatsoever. I hated all my subjects because I didn't feel like they were relevant or that I would use any of what I was learning when I did leave school. When year 12 came around and we were choosig university courses I chose all the ones that other people had told me I'd be good at, I didn't choose what it was that I wanted to do. That to me was a huge mistake and I would strongly urge all of you out there that when it comes to you don't listen to other peoples opinion on what it is you should be doing. You do you. Always and forever . And that's something that I only learned 6 months ago
I was always so scared of what other people would say or think about my decisions when really it has nothing to do with them and once I figured out what it is I was passionate about they couldn't stop me anyway and all became really supportive of my choices. You have to not be afraid to just go for things and to not pay attention to there other people. Start somewhere.
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